New BotBlock plugin

I've just uploaded a new version of the BotBlock plugin. This one adds two options. One makes the comment check depend on a cookie, so user agents that don't accept them will be blocked. The other option blocks any comment that contains markup for HTML or BBcod-style links. Since markup isn't allowed in comments anyway, it's a pretty good bet that comments with links are spam. Either that, or the commenter wasn't paying attention.

Now on a subdomain

Well, now that I have a host that supports subdomains, I've finally gotten around to adding subdomain support to LnBlog. And so, the URL of this page has now changed to Thanks to the wonder that is mod_rewrite, the old URLs should continue to function.

And, of course, it goes without saying that subdomain support will be in the nex release of LnBlog. Of course, first I'll have to add a user interface to configure it, but at least the back-end code is working now.