
Warning: This information is obsolete.  All currently supported plugins are currently shipped with the standard release.

This page contains plugins that are not part of the standard LnBlog distribution. You can download a plugin by clicking on its name. Note that some plugins require a certain minimum version of LnBlog and that some may have other additional requirements.

Sidebar Plugins

Plugin Version Description Requirements
Archives 0.2.0 Show a list of recent months with each entry linking to that month's archives. None
GoogleSearch 0.1.1 Adds a box to search the current blog with Google. None
RecentComments 0.1.0 Adds a sidebar panel that shows a list or the most recently posted comments. LnBlog ≥ 0.7.3

Editor Plugins

Plugin Version Description Requirements
FCKeditor 0.1.0 Use FCKeditor 2.2 rich-text editor to compose posts and articles. LnBlog ≥ 0.7.0b1, browser that supports edit mode (Firefox 1, Netscape 7, IE 5.5, Opera 9)
TinyMCE 0.1.0 Use TinyMCE 2.0 rich-text editor to compose posts and articles. LnBlog ≥ 0.7.0b1, browser that supports edit mode (Firefox 1, Netscape 7, IE 5.5, Opera 9)

Miscellaneous Plugins

Plugin Version Description Requirements
BotBlock 0.2.0 Attempts to block comments posted by robots. Adds a hidden form field and has options to block users that can't accept cookies and comments with HTML or BBcode links in them. LnBlog ≥ 0.7.0
ContactForm 0.1.0 Provides a contact form through which users can e-mail the blog owner. Note that the blog owner must have an e-mail address set in his profile. A link to the form is put in the sidebar. LnBlog ≥ 0.7.0
HideSidebar 0.1.0 This plugin adds a link to the menubar that will toggle display of the sidebar on and off. It works by adding in in-line JavaScript to the page. LnBlog ≥ 0.7.0
PrivateBlog 0.2.0 This plugin makes a blog private. It blocks access to all PHP pages for users who are not in a list of usernames or groups allowed to access it. Note that this only works for PHP pages, not static files, so you will want to turn off RSS feeds to make th blog truly private. LnBlog ≥ 0.7.0