LnBlog 0.9.0 is finalized

Well, I'm done. LnBlog 0.9.0 is now officially available. You can grab the zip archive here or go to the download page to get it.

There are a lot of new features in this version. You read a somewhat more thoughtful discussion of them in the beta 1 announcement. In this post, I'll just give the quickie list.

  • Most data files are now XML. Old formats are still supported (no need to convert).
  • Support for running blogs on multiple subdomains from a single installation.
  • Consolidated the per-blog PHP wrapper scripts.
  • Support for saving draft entries to be published later.
  • New Linksleeve anti-spam plugin.
  • Improved support for blogging APIs, including support for the MoveableType API.
  • Reply management pages for bulk listing/deleting of replies.
  • Improvements (?) to file writing configuration.

To upgrade from a previous release, follow the usual procedure:

  1. Make backup copies of each of your blogs, just to be safe.
  2. Rename your old LnBlog directory on the server.
  3. Upload the new LnBlog in its place.
  4. Copy your old LnBlog/userdata directory into the new LnBlog directory, overwriting the existing files.
  5. Log into the administration page and run an upgrade on each of your blogs.

As an additional note, the URLs for XMLRPC-based services has changed. LnBlog has adopted the Wordpress style and just consolidated them all (APIs, Pingbacks, etc.) in a single xmlrpc.php script located in the root LnBlog directory. If you want to use a blogging client that supports the Blogger 1.0, MetaWeblog, or MovableType API, you should point it to that file.

It's late and that's about all I can think of for now. As usual, feel free to pass on any comments, suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports. You can e-mail me, leave a comment, or use the SourceForge issue tracker or forums.

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    Download link ;)

    Hello, Peter

    While grabbing the archive, I found the direct link to be disfunctional - you put in "www" instead of "lnblog".

    I hope I find some time in the near future to implement and test - but I'll have to read the upgrade instructions first.


    P.S. My work's always cued but doesn't proceed due to lack of time - but I'm still on it!


    Thanks for pointing that out. The link is fixed now.

    Believe it or not, that bad link was actually actually due to a bug in the subdomain handling. I actually typed in a root-relative URL and LnBlog is supposed to convert that to a fully qualified URL, with protocol and domain. However, I apparently never adjusted that code to be subdomain-aware, so it was still prepending the main URL. Oops. I guess that's one for 0.9.1. On the up side, the links are trivially fixable by just typing in the full URL. ;)

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