New beta

Here's a quick beta release for anyone who's feeling adventurous. This is LnBlog 0.8.2 beta 1, which includes bug fixes, theme reworking, and some new features. I'm going to let this bake for a couple of weeks before releasing the final version.

This includes some reworking of the theme system, so there may be problems with some themes. Basically, I added some documentation to the default templates and consolidated the stylesheets. Refer to the default theme for an example of how things are organized now.

On the feature addition side, I added a facility for bulk reply deletion. Basically, I got sick of deleting comment spams one at a time, so now you can click a check box and mark any number of comments for deletion. I also added a system.ini variable called GroupReplies, which is turned on by default. When turned off, this will cause all replies on an entry (comments, TrackBacks, and Pingbacks) to be displayed in a single list, like many other blogging systems do. When turned on, it will keep the old behaviour of seperating by type of reply.

As usual, let me know if you find any bugs and I'll get them fixed for the final release.

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Comments #

    A little wave...


    I'm up to the eyebrows in workflow (at least that - it's moving...), that's why I don't have time to test the beta although I'd really like to - I hope I can snatch some time off soon, but things look a bit rough for a couple of weeks to come. Keep it up - it's worth it!


    Wave back!

    Thanks for the support! I've been busy too, but I'm still working on LnBlog. I'm just working at a slower pace than in the past. Funny how life can get in the way of things, isn't it? :) It's coming along, though. I'll probably release version 0.8.2 this month.

    No Subject

    I don't think you need to hurry in any way - 0.8.1 works very nicely, and while I appreciate any work you're doing, you've provided for a really great base to work with.

    About life: I consider life to BE the way, and things that seem to block it often turn out to actually make it up ;) But sometimes, too many things demand attention at once, so one needs to pick and/or set priorities... And as much as I like doing my web stuff, it's not what I'm living on, so there are things the need doing first (among other things, other web publishing things ;)).


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